Welcome to Netware Data Services

We're helping business access, share and exploit their data intelligently with our range of innovative enterprise data solutions.

We empower companies with the tools to assess and share their data quickly, efficiently and securely. Netware Data Services aim to increase your customer engagement, optimise your revenue performance and help speed up your strategic decision making.

Find out here how we can help you

Who we are

Netware Data Services operate throughout the United Kingdom and beyond, serving the growing UK demand for corporate data management and cloud storage services.

Over the years we’ve built up the experience and resources necessary to provide enterprise solutions for any medium and large company no matter what your requirements. We have worked with firms from a variety of sectors including retail/investment banking, telecommunications, logistics, retail and public sector.

With teams based in England and Northern Ireland, we have the flexibility to provide on site support 24/7, anywhere in the UK.

Our dedicated project managers ensure that your requirements are comprehensively captured, and that we exceed your expectations on time and within budget.

In the rapidly changing world of Big Data, Netware Data Services will keep you ahead of the trend, and ahead of your competitors.

What we do

Customer Insight

Companies need to know their customers and no one knows customers better than Netware.

Netware Data Services believe that customers lie at the heart of every business.

We can help you utilise the data you already hold to improve your customer engagement/retention processes, and provide ways to refresh your communication strategies.

We can also help capture new information about your customers, and work with you to explore their behaviours to help achieve optimal revenue performance. Some of our core Customer Insight products include:


“Who are your customers?”
By breaking your customers down into discrete groups based on demographics, needs or behaviours, you can tailor prices, products and services to specific sub-sets of your client-base. This enables you to target communications designed to retain long-standing clients, whilst upselling and diversifying the services you offer to new or more casual customers.


“Right Customer, right product, right time.”
Predict a customer’s future behaviour based on their previous purchasing patterns helping to increase sales. Improve your stock management chain and increase customer retention and acquisition.


“What else do your customers want?”
Identify potential future sales markets and products based on existing customer profiles and buying patterns. Bring an intelligent Amazon style cross-sell model to your products or services to increase revenues.


“How will your customer react?”
Corporate strategy is often set by expectations of customer reaction, rather than a detailed analysis of their opinions. Assessments can be made based on previous data, and extrapolated forwards to predict outcomes of price and policy change. We can also help target changes to demographic segments, which will best receive them.

Business Process Analysis

Our specialised business analysts provide detailed workflow strategy and process consultation. Supporting the design, implementation and monitoring of all phases of the transition to new data management systems.

They also work with our delivery teams to increase the efficiency of your business by providing custom solutions built on our existing platform of tools.

We focus on streamlining your company’s workflows, integrating IT systems, re-engineering/automating IT processes and reducing computation repetition. We provide alternative solutions to time-consuming manual processes, giving staff the freedom to work more efficiently and quickly.

Our systems also improve the flow of management information, allowing for more informed strategic decision-making in real-time. We aim to remove or automate processes, which don’t add value for your customers, and therefore represent an unnecessary operating cost.

Our team of on-site data processors will ensure the smooth transition of your legacy data holdings, and can provide comprehensive initial training, as well as continuity training packages. This will reduce the impact to your company’s output resulting from the rollout of new systems, and ensuring that your staff are completely versed in the new IT from day one.

Cloud Storage & Data Warehousing


Physical data backup and storage is costly and time-consuming. Our data centre virtualisation packages can provide the infrastructure necessary to automate your corporate backup, keeping your data updated in real-time and safely stored in out data centres throughout the UK.


We also offer flexible enterprise data warehousing options, with dynamic storage scaling available to suit any business needs. We offer flexible, dynamic provision contracts to support your expanding business, ranging from a few gigabytes, to hundreds of petabytes and provide regional storage options to further reduce data transfer latency.


Netware can provide the raw processing power to conduct in-depth analysis on datasets of any size. This removes the need to purchase expensive hardware, giving you the freedom to scale your processing capacity to fit your needs. We have a suite of SaaS and IaaS tools built around our own platform, which is designed to integrate with most existing commercially available database software.


With traditional data warehouse solutions, operations on bulk data sets are often calculated overnight due to software and hardware limitations. We can provide real-time answers to your questions, and real-time access to your data. This will allow quick and flexible actions to be taken on developing situations, rather than operating on data that’s 24 hours out of date.

Be assured, Netware Data Services only host data in secure UK data centres, so you can rest assured that your information is safe in our hands.

*NDS offer service level agreements featuring 99.9% server up time and 24-hour response to hardware failure.


Thankyou for your interest. Unfortunately, we do not currently have any vacancies at Netware Data Services.

However, if you are interested in working with us in the future, please contact us and we will keep your details on file.

Contact Us

If you are interested in working with us, please use our form.

Alternatively you can mail us:

Petney House
Bowden Road
Thorpe Langton
LE16 7TP